Monday, December 8, 2008

UBCWiki Page about Potlatches

UBCWiki: Potlatch
A potlatch is an important ceremonial event originating from the indigenous people of the NWCoast. Significant life events were marked and captured by potlatches including the naming of a newborn child, a marriage, a death, ascension of new chiefs, a graduation, opening of a new big house, and raising of totempoles. Due to the importance of these events, the celebration could last several days and were planned months and up to a year in advance

Friday, December 5, 2008

Ancient Petroglyph

Ancient Petroglyph... photo - John Morris photos at

Petroglyph in Fort Rupert Taken by John Morris.

I have not seen this before
and don't know where it is located on the beach. Do any of the Kwakiutl Students know? If not try and find it.